CSR@Disability - Bringing the Industry & the Government together on the Development agenda
With the Government’s vision to transform India into knowledge economy and to spend the mandated 2% of their profits on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, SPO INDIA and NASSCOM Foundation are trying to bridge an alliance between the Industry and Government to discuss on CSR and Sustainable developmental goals and the role for the private sector in engaging with a development agenda. With this mind, an event themed CSR@Disability took place that aimed to address this issue at large.
The event was covered in 2 sessions – the first session covered the theme CSR@Disability wholly which included speeches and presentations from different dignitaries and corporates and the second session covered the Panel discussion.
Shri Thaawarchand Gehlot, Hon’ble Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment, GOI was the Chief Guest for the morning session and he was joined by Ms. G Latha Krishna Rao, IAS, Secretary, Social Justice and Empowerment, GOI.

Other dignitaries who graced the occasion were Mr. Shrikant Sinha, CEO, NASSCOM Foundation; Mr. D. R. Sarin, CMD, ALIMCO; Mr. Avanish K Awasthi, Joint Secretary, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, GOI; Mr. Som Mittal, Chairman, NCPEDP and Former Chairman, NASSCOM; Mr. Deepak Maheshwari- Director, Government Affairs, India & ASEAN Region, Symantec; Ms. Gayatri Subramanium- Convener & Chief Programme Executive, Head - (IA) Hub, NFCSR, IICA; Ms. Meenu Bhambani- Vice President & Head - Corporate Social Responsibility, Mphasis and Ms. Surabhi Srivastava- Co-founder & COO, Innovision.
Opening the morning session, Deepak Kr Sahu, President – SPOI said in his speech, “With the industry having responded positively to the reform measures undertaken by the government across the public and private sector, Section 135 (Indian and multinational companies) has brought more companies into the fold. According to Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, a minimum of 6,000 Indian companies will be required to undertake CSR projects in order to comply with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 with many companies undertaking these initiatives for the first time. Further, some estimates indicate that CSR commitments from companies can amount to as much as 20,000 crore INR. This combination of regulatory as well as societal pressure has meant that companies have to pursue their CSR activities more professionally.”
There was also a panel discussion by the theme CSR @ Disability that was moderated by Mr. Avanish K Awasthi, Joint Secretary, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, GOI and the panellists who joined the discussion were Mr. Ashutosh Chadha,- Group Director Government Affairs and Public Policy at Microsoft India; Ms. Gayatri Subramanium- Convener & Chief Programme Executive, Head - (IA) Hub, NFCSR, IICA; Ms. Meenu Bhambani- Vice President & Head - Corporate Social Responsibility, Mphasis; Mr. Deepak Maheshwari- Director, Government Affairs, India & ASEAN Region, Symantec and Ms Surabhi Srivastava- Co-founder & COO, Innovision.