IT Association Meet
VARINDIA along with FAIITA, a registered association of channel partners conducted a joint meet of members of FAIITA to discuss key issues and most importantly the roadmap to the implementation of GST and the pitfalls that still persist in it. The heads of different IT associations from across the country participated in the session that also aimed to come up to a consensus of how to take FAIITA ahead by identifying its flaws and the ways to rectify them.
Sathya Pramod, Chief Financial Officer – Tally Solutions Private Limited took to the stage to discuss on some of the implications of GST with the partners and also addressed many of their raging issues. “If you look at the 20 lakhs limit (initially it was 10 lakhs) that the Govt. is talking, even the Pani-puriwalla on the Delhi street would be making that kind of money.

Mr. Champak Gurjar, President-FAIITA: Mr. Saket Kapoor, General Secretary-FAIITA: Mr. B.HARI, Sr.Vice-President-KOLKATA: Mr. Alok Gupta, President, PCAIT- DELHI: Mr. Naveen Gupta, Secretary, BITA-PATNA: Mr. Arun Nagraj, President, FITDAK-KARNATAKA: Mr. Arun Kumar Dey, V.P(East), FAIITA: Mr. Manish Goyal, President, MPTCTA-NDORE: Mr. I Murli Venkatakrishna, President- Telengana IT Association, Mr. Devesh Rastogi, President-Society For Welfare Of IT Dealers, UP: Mr. Sushil Kumar, President, JCWA-RANCHI: Mr. Shiva Shankar Singh, Vice President, Allahabad IT Association: Mr. R.Balsubramanyam, President, CONFED-ITA, Tamilnadu: Mr. Kartikeyan Shanmugasundaram, Past President, CONFED-ITA-TAMILNADU: Mr. Veera Swamy, President- TCCDA- HYDERABAD : Mr. Naveen Gupta, Organising Secretary-Jammu Computer Dealers Association (JCDA): Mr. Gourang Vyas, President, FITAG-GUJRAT: Mr. Mahesh Dubey, President, BITOAA-BHOPAL: Mr. Rajesh Saboo, President, VCMDWA-NAGPUR: Mr. Liju Raju P, President, AKITDA-KERALA: Mr. Kshitij Kotak, Chairman, ASIRT- MUMBAI: Mr. Rushab Shah, President-TAIT, Mr. R SRIDHAR, President, AIT-Bangaluru: Mr. Senthil Kumar M, President- CONFED-ITA: Mr. Sugriv Singh Ranawat, President-Rajasthan Computer Traders Association: Mr. Gurpreet Singh Sunny, Chairman, Ludhiana IT Association: Mr. Rohit Kohli, President-UP Computer Dealers Association (UPCDA): Mr. Gurmeet Singh Juneja, President, UITTA-Uttarakhand and Mr. Shyam Modi, Chairma-ADCTA: Mr. Pawan Agarwal, IP President-North East Computer Traders Association, Mr. Sugriv Singh Ranawat, President-Rajasthan Computer Traders Association (RCTA)
In all earnest that the Government tries to implement this law, even that guy needs to be registered under GST. It is a huge opportunity in the sense that the government is expected 80 lakhs return in the very first month. But I think it should be much more if it is done in the right manner. The entire law of GST is based on cascading of taxes. You all know how VAT was implemented at all levels of value addition that took place in the entire product cycle. But like everyone was saying VAT is not a technology law. The beauty of GST is that it is a technology-led law. There is nothing that can be done in GST without technology – right from registration to cancellation of registration, everything has to be done through a computer, which is a big opportunity for both hardware and software vendors. There is a lot that needs to be done before getting where the country expects us to be. Government has said that it will come out with a rating system for tax payers but that can be possible only after 2-3 years.”
The discussion further stated that smaller companies are the ones that are going to suffer a bit and so correct measures need to be taken to safeguard their business interests. GST will indeed play a key role in bringing transparency into India's indirect tax regime. But there are certain modifications expected to the credit policy on both purchase and sales of raw materials, semi-finished goods, software and services. It also hinted at the fact that there would also be a need to implement robust IT systems and impart staff training at all levels.
Champak Raj Gurjar while congratulating all members for successfully getting FAIITA as a registered body threw some light on some of the actions that should be taken to steer forward the association’s activities. Firstly he asked for opening of a bank accounts and fund collection, as without funds it would never be possible to run a nation-wide association; Secondly, give more importance to state associations; Thirdly, writing to different government agencies of its willingness to work together as an uniform body so that problems and issues can be discussed to bring them to a logical conclusion. “With introduction of GST, we have the protect the rights of the small resellers who might get wiped out if their interests are not met. So there should be an urgent meeting with all vendors and put pressure on them to look into the needs of partners of all sizes. All associations should have a strong PRO so that they are aware of what we are doing.”
Saket Kapur suggested that account should be opened in Delhi with 3 signatories – 2 from India and the third the President himself, to which however the Association members had several differences.