Images Gallery : 13th IT Forum 2015

Welcome of Mr. Navin Verma, IAS
Cabinet Secretariat - Additional Secretary
Govt. of India

Welcome of Mr. B J Srinath
Govt. of India

Welcome of Mr. Ashish Khetan
Vice-Chairman, Delhi Dialogue Commission,
Govt. of India

Welcome of Mr. Shankar Aggarwal, IAS
Secretary Labour & Employment,
Govt. of India

Welcome of Mr. N. Rama Rao, IAS(Retd),
Former Additional Chief Secretary,
Govt. of Maharashtra

Lamp Lighting Ceremony

Mr. Deepak Sahu
Chief-in-Editor, VARINDIA

Key Note Address by Mr. B J Srinath
Govt. of India

Address by Mr. Ashish Khetan
Vice-Chairman, Delhi Dialogue Commission,
Govt. of India

Inaugural Address by Mr. Shankar Aggarwal, IAS
Secretary Labour & Employment,
Govt. of India

Audience during Inaugural Session

Audience Opening Remark by Mr. Deepak Sahu
Chief-in-Editor, VARINDIA

Audience during address by the Chief Guest

Unveiling of 4th Edition Brand Book