VARINDIA has recently conducted its annual Tech Summit in Bengaluru (Silicon Valley of India) - Southern India Information Technology Fair 2016, on 23rd September 2016 at The Hotel Chancery Pavilion, Bengaluru. The Summit discussed various emerging technologies that has hit the Industry in the recent past
(From L to R): Mr. Murali Krishnan, CEO – NJ Dataprint; Mr. Vishal Dhupar, MD South Asia – NVIDIA; Mr. Kuldeep Raina, Senior Vice Prsident – Sales, Inspira Enterprise; Mr. Deepak Sahu, Chief Editor – VARINDIA; Mr. Arvind KS, Associate Vice President, Business Development – Tally Solutions; Mr. K K Shetty, VP – Enterprise Sales, India - COMMSCOPE; Mr. Sriram Gopalaswami, Head, Commercial and DCG Marketing- Lenovo India and Mr. Jatin Christopher, Director- JCSS global Consulting
The theme for the summit this year was
“Innovative Platform to support Digital
India”. A special team was invited to deliberate
on the topic of Impact of GST on the ICT
Industry, which was attended by experts
from the Finance and Taxation domain,
Consultant, CIO, VARs and the Industry leaders. Finally there was the award function
that felicitated the business partners from
Southern India in addition to the technology
showcase that displayed the stellar leadership
and outstanding IT implementations. VARs
are the pillar of success in their respective
regions representing the most innovative IT
leaders in Southern India.
The event focused on digital disruptions
surrounding today’s world and its implications
on Design & Engineering domain, given the
need to leverage innovations to ring about
a paradigm shift. It was a unique platform
for SMEs and VARs to understand the
scope of digitization that will open up big
opportunities for them in due course of time.
With a distinguished list of speakers including
K K Shetty, V.P- Enterprise sales-India –
COMMSCOPE; Vishal Dhupar, MD South
Asia- NVIDIA India; Jatin Christopher,
Director- JCSS global Consulting; Syam
Madnapalli, Global IOT Delivery - DELL
Digital Business Services; Kuldeep Raina,
Senior Vice President – Sales, Inspira
Enterprise India; Arvind KS, Associate Vice
President, Business development- Tally
Solutions, the summit promises to be an
event full of stimulating conversations and
innovative solutions. The summit brings
the Strategists, Practitioners, consumers on
to a one platform to discuss the strategy for
adoption of digital solutions for enhanced
design and engineering.
Talking about the day’s agenda,
Deepak Sahu, Publisher & Chief Editor –
VARINDIA spoke about how the future is
cloud and the market for cloud services has
grown to such an extent that there is now
a notable percentage of total IT spending,
helping to create a new generation of start-ups and "born in the cloud" providers. “The
‘Cloud Shift’ will affect more than $1 tn in IT
spending and Digital technologies are playing
a key role in enhancing SMB competitiveness
and their growth agenda. As SMBs and their
workforce embark on their digital journeys,
they need to protect themselves against
cyber-attacks. This would contribute to two
strategic programmes of the country that are
‘Make in India’ and ‘Digital India’,” he said
in his speech.
K K Shetty, V.P- Enterprise sales – India,
COMMSCOPE spoke about the Reforms &
Opportunities in India, focusing on strong
Indian economic indicators, expected to
gain a double digit growth in medium to
long term, resulting in India emerging as the
fastest growing major economy in the world.
His speech ended with a quote, “If you are
optimistic you can build an Aeroplane! If you
are pessimistic you can build a parachute!”
Adding to his thoughts, Vishal Dhupar,
M.D (South Asia) - NVIDIA India, said
how the cloud brings huge potential for the
growth and it is very supportive to the success
of the Digital India. The summit always tried
to bring conversations around how to ensure
engineering and innovations in alignment to
the requirements of world.
Addressing the gathering, Jatin Christopher, Director- JCSS global
Consulting spoke on what is the impact of
GST on IT trade and how it will turn India
into one common market, leading to greater
ease of doing business and big savings in
logistics. Some companies will gain more as
the GST rate will be lower than the current
tax rates they pay; others will lose as the rate
will be higher than the present effective rate.
There is no doubt that Digital Business
Transformation is disrupting businesses in
every industry by breaking down barriers
between people, businesses and things. By
breaking these barriers, they are able to
create new products, services and find more
efficient ways of doing business. To address
this segment, Kuldeep Raina, Senior Vice
President, Inspira Enterprise spoke on the
importance of cyber security and INSPIRA’s
initiative towards Centre of excellence in
the cloud as the Infrastructure and platform
as service and Software as service. Kuldeep
spoke about how things would be with value
addition to the cloud and turning Capex to
Opex with the help of automation, which
will bring value to the customer and lastly
gave some example of certain recent cyber
and malware attacks.
Arvind KS, Vice President, Business
development- Tally Solutions spoke on the
Impact of GST on IT trade and how GST
is a business opportunity for us. This will
bring a new opportunity for every company
into development, since there is no software
available in India, which is fully compatible
or is GST complaint.
Lastly there was the panel discussion,
based on the theme for the day and
moderated by Deepak Kumar Sahu, Chief
Editor – VARINDIA. The panellists who
joined on the dais were Sriram Gopalaswami,
Head, Commercial and DCG Marketing-
Lenovo India; Syam Madnapalli, Global IOT
Delivery - DELL Digital Business Services;
Sridharan, President- AIT; Vishwanath
Kulkarni, Director-Sales (India & SAARC) -
HID Global and K K Shetty, VP - Enterprise
sales-India - COMMSCOPE.
Discussion on Digital India, which is
an initiative of the central government to
integrate the government departments and the
people of India and the innovation challenge,
was to find solutions which can enable
public to avail government services easily.
Digital India in its vision is a disruptive social
equalizer in it that empowers the citizens. It
is targeted at addressing local needs with the
vision to build an ecosystem for pervasive
technology adoption.
Technology provides a great platform
for social equality and paves the way for
opportunities enabling citizens to grow.
India Inc enables the realization of the
Digital dream by partnering with the
Government in building Tools such as -
• Last mile Connectivity
• Citizen services delivered over web and
more importantly mobile
• Cyber security Solutions
• Healthcare powered by Cloud, Mobility,
Analytics, IoT, Wearables, M2M tech
• Education powered by Cloud and
Contextual Awareness
• Product & Service Aggregation
• Modern Agriculture powered by IT
• Smart Cities
Building the infrastructure, getting
various public sector departments online,
providing a bouquet of desired services to
citizens, all hold out significant potential
for technology companies to work closely
with the Government in realizing the
Digital India Vision.
Further, Internet of Things has altered
traditional designing and the industry
is pushing the envelope to ensure that
demands are met and new standards are
set in this domain. We are still lagging
behind in broadband penetration as low
as 6%. Also there is less information and
education of people in terms of what is
data stealing and privacy breach. Driven
by several factors - technological advances,
changes in competitive landscape and
consumer preferences. IoT (Internet of
Things) will describe a system where
Internet is connected to the physical world
via ubiquitous sensors will talk about the
various facets of the IoT and how it is an
imperative for the world today.
The summit also displayed the latest
technology showcase from Canon, Tally
and Inspira and how their solutions are
well fitted to complement Digital India and
the Future.
The summit also witnessed a mix
of CIO/CTO/System Integrators and
Solution Partners from across the Southern
India with 150 attendees from the ICT
sector who is embracing digital solutions.
A pantheon of industry veterans and
innovators had conversations around
themes and issues of critical importance to
the growth of Security and social media.
SIITF served as a unique platform for
the IT professionals from across the country
which helped them to find solutions to
help their companies evolve with changing
The panel discussion held towards the end of the event, based on the theme for the day “Innovative Platform to support Digital India” was moderated by Deepak Kumar Sahu, Chief Editor – VARINDIA. The panellists who joined on the dais were Sriram Gopalaswami, Head, Commercial and DCG Marketing- Lenovo India; Syam Madnapalli, Global IOT Delivery - DELL Digital Business Services; Sridharan, President- AIT; Vishwanath Kulkarni, Director-Sales (India & SAARC) - HID Global and K K Shetty, VP - Enterprise sales-India - COMMSCOPE.
(From Left to Right): Deepak kumar Sahu, Cheif editor-VARINDIA; Sriram Gopalaswami, Head, Commercial and DCG Marketing- lenovo India; Syam madnapalli, gloabal IOT Delivery- DELl Digital Businaess Services; Sridharan, President-AIT; Vishwanath Kulkarni, Director-Sales(India & SAARC)-HID Global and K K Shetty, VP-Enterprise Sales-India-Commscope
Before throwing open the floor to
the panellists, Deepak Sahu mentioned
about the report of IDC, Global IoT
Decision Maker Survey which shows
that the organizations are pivoting away
from proof of concept projects to scalable
Internet of Things (IoT) deployments that
are incorporating cloud, analytics, and
security capabilities. 31.4 per cent of organizations surveyed have launched IoT solutions, with an additional 43 per cent looking to deploy
in the next 12 months. 55 per cent of respondents see IoT as strategic to their business and as a means to compete more effectively. Improving
productivity, reducing costs, and automating internal processes are seen as top benefits of an IoT solution. This highlights an internal and
operational focus by organizations over the short term as opposed to external, customer-facing benefits. On a cautionary note, he said that
we all have to always bear in mind that Cyber Security is becoming more critical than ever before.
According to K K Shetty, VP - Enterprise sales-India – COMMSCOPE, Digital India is a priority as the various government initiatives
introduced like Jan Dhan Aadhar Yojana cannot be accessed unless there is a Digital platform. “We at Commscope are focusing on
Connectivity solutions which will provide digital infrastructure. We are also associated with the NoFN project, wherein 400,000 villages are
going to be connected with fibre optics. With 4G network getting further penetrated, we are also planning to provide Fibre-to-Home.”
Vishwanath Kulkarni, Director-Sales (India & SAARC) - HID Global said that HID is also moving ahead in the Digital India agenda. “We
have set up our R&D facility here in Chennai in which we are working on access control on mobile and a part of Digital India movement.
We also have a solution called goID (Government ID) that has received wide acclaim from government of different countries.”
Sridharan, President- AIT opined that because of Digital India, the dealer community will get an opportunity to sell various end point
devices like phones, laptops, etc. The convergence of technology also brings in lot of opportunities for those people who are into offering
Syam Madnapalli, Global IOT Delivery - DELL Digital Business Services felt that most of the companies do not have a good understanding
of their customers. Digital Transformation, according to him is bringing visibility for the companies, about their employees, customers and
Sriram Gopalaswami, Head, Commercial and DCG Marketing- Lenovo India said that from an infrastructure standpoint, Lenovo is one
of the many companies to have partnered with the government when the Digital India first started. “To Lenovo, Digital India means 2 things
– making affordable devices available not only in 1st tier markets but to different tiers of markets. Secondly, Education being an important
propeller, Digital transformation is the proliferation of digital means of education.”