ICT in Education

[From Left: Mr. Altaf Halde, Managing Director - Kaspersky Security, Mr. D.K. Sahu, Publisher-VARINDIA, Mr. Himanshu Seth, Country Manager - PSG, HP India Sales Pvt. Ltd., Ms. Charru Malhotra, Associate Professor (e-Governance and ICT), Indian Institute of Public Administration, Prof. Raj Sekhar Pillai, Principal Secretary, Science & Technology - Govt. of Kerla, Prof. S.V.Raghavan, Chief Architect & Chairman, Technical advisory committee, NKN, Ms. S.Mohini Ratna, Editor-VARINDIA, Mr. Kamal Sharma, Group CIO & SBU Head, Mindlance India Pvt. Ltd.]

2nd Education summit focus on scaling educational sector in India

Kalinga Digital Media (P) Ltd. (KDMPL) has recently organised 2nd ICT in education summit in the capital. Known for meeting its promise of giving the industry a platform to share ideas and views on the trends, 2nd ICT in education summit witnessed gathering of more than 200 educationists from K12 to Public school and also from the professional institutions attended from Delhi and NCR in the sessions to understand the opportunity by implementing ICT in their institutions .

The lamp lighting ceremony of the first session, marked the opening of the event which was  graced by the Honorable Chief Guest Professor SV Raghavan, Chief Architect & Chairman, Technical advisory committee, NKN; Prof. Raj Sekhar Pillai, Principal Secretary, Science & Technology, Govt. of Kerala and Mr. Tarun Malik, Director, Product Marketing & Strategy , Microsoft India among others. The event was attended by mostly the Directors and principals from various K-12, MCD and Private schools from across Delhi & NCR.

There was thought sharing by the honorable guests Professor Raghavan and Professor Pillai on the challenges of today’s education sector. They emphasized on the fact that ICT is an enabling tool and not a replacement for teachers. This was followed by Corporate Presentations from HP India, Mindlance, Epson, NComputing and Microsoft India. The spokespersons from the corporates talked about their offerings for ICT sector along with some success stories too.

Panel Discussion on "ICT in Education" was the most awaited phase of the afternoon session. Moderated by Sujit Panigrahi, CTO, Convergen Technologies, the panelist included Dr. DK Pandey, Principal, NC Jindal Public School; Praloy Kumar Dey, VP, Sales, Mindlance India (P) Ltd; Himanshu Seth, Country Manager- PSG, HP India Sales (P) Ltd.; Tarun Malik, Director, Product Marketing & Strategy - Microsoft India; Altaf Halde, MD, Kaspersky Security; Monali Handa, Director - Marketing, NComputing and Kirti Tripathi, Sr.Technology Integrator, Amity Group Schools.


"ICT in Education"

[From Left to Right : Sujit Panigrahi, CTO, Convergent Technologies, Ms. Kirti Tripathi, Head Curriculum Development Amity Group of Schools, Dr. DK Pandey, Principal, NC Jindal Public School, Himanshu Seth, Country Manager- PSG, HP India Sales (P) Ltd., Tarun Malik, Director, Product Marketing & Strategy - Microsoft India, Altaf Halde, MD, Kaspersky Security, Ms Monali Handa, Director - Marketing, NComputing and Praloy Kumar Dey, VP, Sales, Mindlance India (P) Ltd. ]

The moderator,  Sujit Panigrahi,  opened the floor by throwing questions to the panel like,  Is ICT adding the desired value to the Education sector? Does ICT help in increasing the Productivity of students, teachers and institute as a whole? How ICT helps make Collaborative learning a beautiful experience? All agreed that ICT is not a threat for the existence of teachers. Only teachers can teach as they know the learners and technology is just a means that enables them to  reach larger student base. With integration of ICT not only concepts can be taught better but it even smoothens the back office work of these institutes. And this time saved is used in other development and creative works.

Video Gallery

Mr. Amit Sehgal
Manager Corporated Sales North
Mr. Monali Handa
Director Marketing
Asia Pacific
Mr. Deepak Sahu
Managing Director, Editor-in-chief
Mr. Alok Lall
Director-Product Marketing and Strategy
Microsoft India
Mr. Praloy Kumar Dey
V. P. Sales
Mindalance India Pvt. Ltd
Prof. Raj Sekhar Pillai
Principal Secretary
Science & Technology
Govt.Of Kerala
Mr. Sujit Panigrahi
CTO, Convergent Technologies
( Moderator )

Panel Discussion
'ICT in Education'

Product Display by Corporate

NComputing HP Kaspersky TVS-E
Microsoft HCL Exhibition Area Audience


Prof. SV Raghavan
Chief Architect & Chairman, Technical Advisory Committee, NKN talking about NKN, its inception and existence. He said Education is a process and not just a video uploaded on YouT ube. For students to be absorbed in the process, he emphasized on C3 approach i.e Creative Content Consortium.

Prof. Raj Sekhar Pillai
Principal Secretary, Science & Technology, Govt. of Kerala talking about Integration of technology is needed in all the spheres of life. But, Quality enabled content can only be prepared by qualified teachers.

Mr. Himanshu Seth
Country Manager - PSG, HP India Sales (P) Ltd. shared with the gathering various initiatives like Digital Library Solution, HP 'Lab in the Box' and education practices of HP not only for schools but colleges too.

Mr. Alok Lall
Director - Marketing​, Microsoft India sharing how they are providing inclusive environmen​t to the students with impairment​s to be a part of the mainstream​.

Mr. V.L. Kantha Rao
Director (Infrastructure and E-Services), NeGD - Govt. of India shared that National e-Governance plan is helping common man and plans to provide services to him at an affordable cost. Also, how they have created around 100,000 service centres, infrastuctures, SWAN and state data centres . He also shared the development of mission mode process to deliver the services. Education, health etc are also included in mission mode process.

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